I'll bet the phrase "so many clothes and nothing to wear" resonates with you just a bit too much.

I'm guessing that getting dressed each morning is a hassle and takes way longer than it should. I'd also bet that you're often overwhelmed by the sheer amount of clothes you own, and how hard it is to keep them organised.

You don't have an Insta-friendly wardrobe, and truly believe that maintaining one would be impossible. Not to mention, refining and curating your own unique style is out of the question, and receiving compliments for an outfit you threw on in a hurry is reserved only for models and people in movies.

How much money have you spent trying to build your dream wardrobe and give yourself options? How many of those items fit perfectly and were comfy and flattering and matched your other clothes... and how many are now crumpled at the back of your wardrobe?

Don't feel guilty. We're about to make a change.

I'm here to tell you that a stylish, matching, comfortable wardrobe is within your reach. Your dream wardrobe is within your reach.

You're just missing some key pieces of information, that I'm keen to share with you. I'm not going to lie, you've got some work ahead of you. But the framework makes it super simple to get from where you are to where you want to be.

I also know you're a little unsure about the upswing in sustainable and ethical fashion. Fast fashion is dead, but what does that mean for you and your clothes? It kinda sounds like the right way to go, but it also seems more expensive and a minefield of greenwashing and uncertainty. How do you navigate this new arena?

I'm here to help with that too.

Andrea Strachman, Clinical Psychologist, had this to say:

"Finally! I'm someone who will keep things on my to-do list like "clean out closet," "donate old clothes," etc. FOR MONTHS.

Erin has simplified this process step by step in a way that makes even the most daunting closet feel workable. What used to feel like a days-long overwhelming massive project now feels completely doable.

I'm a licensed clinical psychologist and work primarily with millennials on issues such as depression and anxiety and there is such a connection between your mental health/mindset and feeling organized in your home life. Yet, when dealing with those issues, it's so hard to muster up the energy and know-how to tackle projects like your wardrobe that would alleviate your overall stress (oh the irony!).

I'd recommend this course to anyone who has been procrastinating due to anxiety and overwhelm. Erin gets it and has created such a valuable guide!"

If your mornings look like this:
  • taking ages to decide what to wear because nothing matches
  • realising that the item you want is at the bottom of the pile of clothes on that chair in the corner
  • digging it out, putting it on and remembering that it's not you that looks good on, it's Amy from the office (she has the same one)
  • slightly resenting Amy even though she's a good person
  • wearing the damn skirt anyway because it cost a lot of money and it'd be a waste not to get some use out of it - plus you're running out of time to get ready
  • hoping Amy didn't pick today to wear hers too
  • being uncomfortable and continuously adjusting all day because the fit isn't quite right
  • feeling guilty that it's made of polyester instead of natural fibres
  • resolving never to wear it again
  • doing all that again tomorrow, with some other piece....

I can totally sympathise. I have been exactly there and it's exhausting. But instead, what if you could:
  • pick something to wear in five minutes or less
  • grab it immediately because it's so easy to spot in your tidy, airy wardrobe
  • put it on, be perfectly comfortable and feel attractive
  • be sure that no-one else will be wearing the same thing
  • arrive at the office and receive not one, but two compliments over the course of the day
  • do your work unhindered by any reservations about today's outfit
  • be elevated by the thought that your clothes improved the lives of others by providing a living wage to the person who made it
  • essentially be that cool, effortlessly stylish person who people envy.

From Drab to Dream can help you achieve all of this. It will guide you through a complete wardrobe overhaul the right way, so you only have to do it once. Even as your style and needs evolve over time, your wardrobe will be able to keep up with very little work, thanks to the unique process.

Course Curriculum

Hi, I’m Erin Cadogan.

I struggle to iron my backdrops, but hey - that's not my forte.

What I excel at is helping people like you find peace in your home and reduce your environmental impact in unexpected ways, like through this course.

And the best bit? It's all based on experience. I've already made all the mistakes, so that you don't have to!

For years my wardrobe stressed me out. I rarely felt stylish and confident, and when I did I wasn't comfortable so I couldn't enjoy myself.

I had an image of how I should look in my head, but it was far from reality. In fact, I had a tonne of mismatched, ill-fitting, less-than-flattering clothes that were crammed into my overstuffed wardrobe.

I thought I had options, but really - the whole deal stressed me out. Getting dressed each morning took ages and was just plain painful. Finding items I wanted was impossible. I didn't put time into caring about any of them.

Over the course of a few years, with a lot of trial and error, I developed a comprehensive system to get my wardrobe into shape.

It allowed me to work out which clothes are both flattering and comfortable for me as an individual. I formed a guide for what to keep and what to buy, and I could discard the rest without regrets.

I cleared out the unloved, broken, and ill-fitting mess of clothes from the back of my wardrobe (and... the rest of my wardrobe) and with a little work, was left with a clean, organised, stylish wardrobe.

Getting dressed in the morning now takes only minutes. Packing for trips is simple.

I have successfully eliminated one big chunk of stress and hard decisions from my day, and I'm that much happier because of it.

How would you like to pay for your dream wardrobe?

This course is for you if you want:
  • a completely personalised guide on what to keep from your existing wardrobe, and what to buy in the future
  • a flattering, comfortable, matching, perfectly curated collection of clothes
  • regular compliments
  • more storage space and an easier-to-tidy wardrobe
  • knowledge on how to reduce your contribution to the giant impact of the fashion industry
  • access to the exclusive and supportive From Drab to Dream Facebook group
  • less decision fatigue and overall stress

This course is not for you if you:
  • aren't willing to commit to doing the work. The steps are simple and laid out in an easy-to-follow format, but if you're not going to actually follow them and do the work, this course is not for you.
  • want to keep bumbling through on your own. I'm not saying you can't get there on your own, but it sure does take a lot longer. It took me years to figure out this process. If you follow it, you'll be done in just a few months.
  • already have your dream wardrobe. If you're comfortable and confident in your clothes and find looking for an outfit a calm and speedy process - you don't need this course.

Marine Leclerc, founder of Attitude Organic, said:

"I went through the modules already knowing loads about sustainable fashion and I must admit that I learnt even more thanks to Erin.

The course is well built, it is easy to follow, to understand and you can go through it relatively fast which is for me very important.

She makes sure that what you learn is applicable to YOU and that you can start implementing NOW. All you need from a course according to me.

Very good mix of knowledge, self-reflection and tips. I would say it's an easy recipe to start with eco-friendly and ethical fashion.

Thanks Erin!"

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?

The course is self-paced, and as such starts and ends when you choose. You have lifetime access to the course (including updates), so you can progress at your own rate and spend as much time on each module as you need. I want you to get as much out of this course as possible!

What if I'm unhappy with the course?

I offer a full refund if you don't see results from the course. You must be able to show that you have completed 90% of the course materials to be eligible for a refund. However, please do contact me if you're unhappy with the course at any stage of completion, and we may be able to arrange a solution.

Is this a capsule wardrobe course?

Yes and no. If your aim is to develop a capsule wardrobe, this course can certainly get you there. It will help you calculate the ideal number of clothes both by season and year round. This number will be specific to you. It will also help you develop a matching wardrobe so that you need fewer clothes to create matching outfits.

However, if you aren't dreaming of a capsule wardrobe, you still have plenty to gain from this course. You'll get rid of all the clothes that don't work for you, gain a tonne of space and clarity, and find your own individual, unique style.

What if I'm not sure whether this course is for me?

Let me help you decide! I don't want you to waste your money on something that you don't need. In fact, most people would be a lot happier if they stopped before each purchase and asked themselves, "do I really need this?"

So if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected]. We can talk about your unique situation and come to a decision that's right for you. There's absolutely no obligation to buy.

Alternatively, you can get the perfect number worksheet FOR FREE when you sign up to the mailing list, where you can find out about discounts and course updates.

At the moment you can earn back 90% of your course fees quite easily - buy the course or sign up to the mailing list to find out how!

How long have you been working towards your dream wardrobe?

How close are you to getting there?

I know you badly want a clean, clear wardrobe filled with clothes that make you look and feel amazing.

How much longer are you going to wait?

Take the leap and finally create your dream wardrobe.

This course is only going to be available at this price once. It's going up after that. Even if you don't have the time at the moment, it's worth buying now to lock in the lower price.

Go from embarrassed to envied.

Transform from uninspired to unique.

Take your wardrobe from drab to dream.